Programme SAP RM0740AX - XPRA Inventory Management Report for Release 4.0A

The XPRA program described here concerns tableT156S. The execution of valuated specialstocks for sales order andproject stock necessitated this conversion.
Existing entries in the table are being changed and new entries arebeing added. The changes affect the field KZVBR and the valuestring. All movements for the special stock E and Q are affected.
The report reads the existing entries, changes the entry for thenon-valuated stock in this case thefield KZVBR is not on SPACE, and adds a new entry for thevaluated special stock.
For the valuated special stock, the field KZVBR is normally on SPACE.The system takes the value string from the entry without special stockindicator. If this entry does not exist, the program issues an error.In this case, you maintain the entry withoutspecial stock indicator. You canthen start the report.

523509FAQ: Control tables (no Customizing)