Programme SAP RM06X004 - XPRA T162: Population of New Field BSTYP

The conversion program RM06X004 populates the new field T162-BSTYP.
The background is as follows: certain field selection keys only makesense for certain document categories (e.g. key ME22 for POs only).Hitherto, this was indicated by the last character of field T162-FAUS2:this shows the document category to which the field selection key isrelevant.
In Customizing, only those field selection keys that are relevant toPOs or to all document categories are now to be offered to the customerunder the "Purchase Orders" node. Prior to Release 4.7, this wasrealized in the form of a separate transaction, which reads therelevant keys on the basis of the last character in T162-FAUS2.
In the course of the IMG changeover to standard view maintenance viavariants, it was now necessary to replace the separate transaction by aview variant. However, the selection condition of a view variant canonly be defined via fields of the view, not via parts of these fields.Thus, the last character of field FAUS2 had to be included as aseparate field. This program populates this field with the lastcharacter of T162-FAUS2.
