Programme SAP RM06IW47 - Archiving of Purchasing Info Records: Write Program

Report RM06IW47 writes all purchasing info records from an intervaldefined by the user that satisfy the archiving conditions to a storagesystem.

As soon as you have archived the info records, you can remove them fromthe database using the delete report RM06ID47. More information on thisdelete report is available under Archiving PurchasingInfo Records: Delete Program.


Scope of archiving
The report archives all purchasing info records for which the deletionflag has been set. You will find an overview of the database tablesrelevant to archiving in the application Tables and ArchivingObjects (transaction code DB15). You can extend the archivingscope using the Business Add-In (BAdI) ARC_MM_EINA_WRITE, which isintegrated in the report, without modifications.

Archivability check
You can enhance the archivability check using the BAdIARC_MM_EINA_CHECK, which is integrated in the report, withoutmodifications. More information on the implementation of BAdIs inarchiving programs is available in SAP Note 673030.

You can select the interval of purchasing info records to be archivedaccording to the following criteria:

  • Purchasing info record

  • Info record category

  • Vendor

  • Material

  • Material group

  • Purchasing organization

  • Plant

  • For flow control, the usual options are available.

    The usual output options are available.