Programme SAP RM06IBI0 - Batch Input for Purchasing Info Records

Use this program to create batch input sessions allowing you tocreate and change purchasing info records in the system.
The program reads the sequential file that is predefined in it as aparameter and generates one or more batch input sessions from this file.

Before you generate the session, you must extract the data that is tobe adopted from the source system, using a program you have writtenyourselfk, and write it to a sequential file. As an example, seereport RM06IBIE which generates such a sequential file withthe required structure.
The data is expected on the sequential file in the following order:

  • For each session, a session record (BGR00, record type 0).

  • All further records up to the next session record are assigned to thesession that was last read.
    • For each SAP transaction, a header record (BEIN0, record type 1).

    • All further records up to the next header record are assigned to thelast-read SAP transaction.
      In addition to the SAP transaction code, the header record containsall the data of the initial screen.
      • For each SAP transaction, a record with the general data of the
      • purchasing info record (BEINA, record type 2, table name EINA).
        This record contains all purchasing info record data thatapplies to all purchasing organizations.
        • For each SAP transaction, a record with the data of a purchasing
        • organization (and possibly a plant) (BEINE, record type 2, table nameEINE).
          This record contains all purchasing info record data that applies tothis purchasing organization (or plant) only.
          • For each SAP transaction, a header record for the quotation text
          • (BRM06I , record type 2, table name TEAT). Here you can either onlyspecify that long text lines follow or write such a record for eachinline text line.
            • For each long text line for the quotation text, a record (BLINES,
            • record type 2, table name LIAT).
              • For each SAP transaction, a header record for the PO text (BRM06I,
              • record type 2, table name TEBT). Here you can either only specify thatlong text lines follow or write such a record for each inline textline.
                • For each long text line for a purchase order text, a record (BLINES,
                • recort type 2, table name LIBT).
                  The following records only occur if conditions are to be maintained:
                  • For each conditions record (condition type), a record (BKONP, record
                  • type 2, table name KONP).
                    • For each line of a quantity scale, a record (BKONM, record type 2,
                    • table name KONM).
                      • For each line of a value scale, a record (BKONW, record type 2, table
                      • name KONW).

                        Extract the data that is to be transferred with the relevant programand write the data into the sequential file.
                        Generate a BTCI session with the batch input program.
                        In the process, your data will be checked for the first time. Errorswill be logged.
                        Let the session run. The data will be adopted in the system and stored.


                        • During the creation process, the number can be assigned either
                        • externally or internally. When extending or creating, you must alwaysspecify the number.
                          If a purchasing info record that was newly created with internal numberassignment immediately beforehand is to be extended, you may notspecify an info record number during this process.
                          • Provision must be made for an entry for each field. This can be:

                          • an explicitly entered field value (in order to transfer a certainvalue)
                            a blank (to delete an entry when changing)
                            a special character (to transfer no value)
                            The special character must be defined in the session record in thefield "BGR00-NODATA".
                            • You must specify all fields in output format.

                            • Attention must be paid to the following authorizations when the
                            • sessions are run:
                              If a session is run visibly, the user running it must possess therelevant authorizations for the maintenance of purchasing info records.
                              If a session is run invisibly, the user entered in the session recordunder "USER-ID" must possess the relevant authorizations for themaintenance of purchasing info records.

882856Number of condition lines is limited to strd screen lines
481034FAQ: Data transfer (batch input) in purchasing
206905Consignment info record for RM06IBI0 already available
327083INFREC: Data transfer of purchasing info records
356726RM06IBI0: incorrect material in purchasing data
328105INFREC: Texts are not created
41127Batch input purchasing info record : Conditions