Programme SAP RM06HL06 - Correction Report for Requisitions with 'Temporary' Document Number

This program deletes purchase requisitions without a document number orwith a number in the form '# ...' and their linked:
- Account assignments
- Stock transfer indexes, and
- Header and item texts
Items of the category "Limit" or "Service" are not deleted by thisprogram.
When the program is started, the checkbox 'Without Database Change' isselected. No changes are then made to the database. After the test run,deselect the checkbox in order to update the database with the changes.
If commitment-relevant items have been selected, program ZKAOIDE0 mustbe started to reset the commitments (Note 100409). Before this, alsodelete any existing limit and service items. The reset commitment datarecords from table COOI can be deleted from the database using programZKAOIDE2. (Note 334851).
