Programme SAP RM06ERVE - Currency Conversion for Outline Agreements (Euro and Other Currencies)


This program enables you to convert the document currency of schedulingagreements and contracts to the euro or another currency. Only time-independent conditions of outline agreements are converted. Time-dependent conditions must be converted separately using transactionsMEKLE and MEKRE.

The program provides the following options:

  • Conversion to euro

  • If you wish to convert the document currency of your outline agreementsto euro, you must select Determine euro rate automatically. The"to" currency (EURO), the current date (01.01.1999), and the exchangerate type will then be determined from Customizing.
    • Conversion to a another currency

    • If you wish to convert the document currency of your outline agreementsto a different currency than the euro, you must not selectDetermine euro rate automatically. You must populate the"To" currency, Current date, and Exchange rate type
      fields to enable the system to determine the correct exchange rate.

      You can choose the desired outline agreements via the followingcriteria: Vendor, purchasing organization, outline agreement number,purchasing document category, purchasing document type, and the currentdocument currency ("from" currency).
      Through the appropriate selection criteria, make sure that only thosescheduling agreements or contracts that do not yet contain the desired"to" currency are selected. If documents that are not outlineagreements or in which the current currency does not accord with the"to" currency are selected, such documents are noted in the log but nochanges are made to them.
      For example, choose scheduling agreements (purchasing document typeL) and enter DEM as the "from" currency (if the "to"
      currency is EUR). Or directly enter the numbers of the schedulingagreements whose current document currencies do not yet correspond tothe "to" currency.
      If you do not wish to convert the currencies of all outline agreementsat once, but only wish to convert the outline agreements of thosevendors whose master data already contains the new currency, selectCheck vendor currency.
      Selecting the Check vendor currency field causes the currency
      that is assigned to the vendor in the purchasing organization to be
      compared with the planned new document currency.
      If the target currency for the outline agreement does not accord withthe current currency in the vendor master record, the releant outlineagreement is not converted. This is to prevent the document currency inthe outline agreement being converted before the currency in the vendormaster record is changed.

      Test run
      If you carry out a test run, the currencies of the selected outlineagreements will not be converted. Instead, you get a log of theselected agreements, their items, and their conditions.

      The program issues a log listing all the selected outline agreements(and their items) in which the currency has been converted.

      The program imports the data of the outline agreement, changes therelevant fields and then updates the changed tables via standardPurchasing modules.

458384FAQ: Consulting for the changeover to the euro in purchasing
394414RM06ERVE: Termination during euro conversion of OAs
149633RM06ERVE: Incorrect change documents created