Programme SAP RM06ENP1 - Price Determination for Scheduling Agreements

The report computes current contract prices and, if desired, updatesthese figures in the contracts.

This report computes the new net and effective prices from thecurrently valid conditions for each contract that satisfies thecriteria of the selection screen. In the event of a variance from theprices stored in the contract, the new prices can be adopted in thecontract.

The indicator 'Simulation' determines whether the new prices are to beadopted in the contracts:

  • 'X' -> the report does not record the new prices in the contracts

    • ' ' -> the report records the new prices in the contracts.
    • Output
      A list is generated that contains only those contracts in respect ofwhich the newly-determined prices differ from existing ones in thecontract. The old and the new price are outputted.

160630Conditions in scheduling agreement with reference to contrac
773516RM06INP0 - What are those check boxes for ?
685117Net Price in Info Record or Contract is wrong
645549MRN0: No or incorrect scheduling agreement prices
414167RM06ENP0 / RM06ENP1 does not transfer any prices