Programme SAP RM06EKBE - Summarization and Removal of PO History Records

382797MIRO: Analysis and repair for missing follow-up documents
574494Explosion the aggregated purchase order history via report
1179361Incorrect GR values after aggregating PO history RM06EKBE
783008ME38/ME84: Goods rcpt cumulve quant. too low after EKBE
311089Performance problems because of long PO history
832736ME87: Negative values in the EKBE-QTY_DIFF field
786140Dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X ME188 with goods issue for delivery
785754ME38/ME84: GR cumulative quantity after EKBE sum. too low
761273Field QTY_DIFF is missing in table EKBEH
322440ME87: error in connection with material ledger
357234ME87: Revaluations are not taken into account
357267ME87: Return deliveries not aggregated correctly
337607MB01: No posting from GR blocked stock
329069ME87: Aggregated documents are no longer found
339331Revising RM06EKBE (aggregating PO history)
334375Revaluation: No indication of aggregated PO history
202020ME87: Termination INSERT_DUPREC for subcontracting