Title Consistency check for the control cycles Purpose With this report, you can assess inconsistencies in the definition ofcontrol cycles, production supply areas and the relevant reservations. In a first step, the report checks if the storagelocation>/plant combination from the productionsupply area> is allowed. If no corresponding entry exists in tableT320, the system sets the traffic light to 'red' and issues an errormessage. In a second step, the report checks if the material staging indicators in the control cycle correspond with the material staging indicators ofthe reservations.Output The result of the check is displayed using a traffic light: Red: The material availability indicators for reservations for acontrol cycle are different. A red traffic light which resulted from the storage location/plant check is not overridden. Yellow: All reservations refer to the same material availability indicator, but this does not match the control cycle. Green: All reservations refer to the same material availability indicator as the control cycle. From this list, you have several navigation possibilities; you can, forexample, display a control cycle, by clicking on the correspondingentry. INCLUDE WM_ALV OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE DE |