Programme SAP RLRE311X - Reorganize Tables for Multiple Processing T311, T311A, T311L

This report is used for reorganizing tables formultiple processing control.
1. T311 : Definition of the groups with print status anddate
2. T311A: Reference of groups to document numbers and
document type
3. T311L: Run definition within a WM group for2-step picking.
When transfer orders are generated for a group,the system enters the group number in these tables, as well as thecorresponding document types and numbers. Any errors that occur duringthe transfer order generation, as well as the print status and theprint data, are updated.

This report separately displays entries of normal multiple processingruns and entries of 2-step picking runs that are to be reorganized. Thecriteria for reorganization are:
Multiple processing (normal)
- selection date: all documents that are older than the print date
- print status set, that is, the transfer orders have been created and
printed (both in table T311 (Definition of WM group)).
Multiple processing (2-step picking)
- only the "TO compl." indicator in table T311