Programme SAP RLOY_CARD_ORDER_STATUS_UPDATES - Status Update Batch process

This report is used to perform status updates on the cards that havebeen ordered for printing through the external service provider. Thesestatus updates are based on the inputs provided by the external serviceprovider. The status updates can be:
1. Change of status from Ordered to Active
2. Change of status from Active to Returned
3. Entering of fields Ordered At, Printed At, Shipped At or OrderReference Number.

A file must be prepared as input to this report which consists of dataof all the cards for status updates in the following format:

  • The file should consist of rows for each card

  • In each row the columns should be sequenced as: Card ID, Membership ID,
  • Card Order Reference Number, Ordered At, Printed At, Shipped At.
    This report must not be run in the background.

    This report accepts as input a file in the format as described above.Only cards which are currently in the status Ordered or Active areallowed. Other cards if any, are ignored.
    The other input of this report is the status to which all the cardsentered in the file need to be changed. This status can be entered aseither Active or Returned only (since only status changes Ordered toActive or Active to Returned are allowed).
    The fields Ordered At, Printed At, Shipped At or Order Reference Numberare entered only when the card status is being changed from Ordered toActive. However these fields cannot be changed if already entered. Also,the card status is changed from Ordered to Active only for those cardsfor which the 'Shipped At' date is provided.
    While changing card status from Ordered to Active, the membership:
    Must be 'Active'
    The corresponding loyalty program must be 'Released' .
    The validity of the card must not have lapsed.
    BADI: The logic of reading of the file entered in the input parameter'File' can be changed using the BADI, Customer Relationship Management-> Marketing -> Loyalty Management -> Business Add-Ins for LoyaltyManagement -> BAdI: Collection of Extra Cards for Ordering and the BADImethod STATUS_UPDATE_EXTERNAL.
    Also this report implements parallel processing for better performanceand the parallel processing parameters used are the values maintained inthe Customizing activity, Customer Relationship Management -> Marketing-> Loyalty Management -> Processing Settings -> Define Batch ProcessingParameters for the parameters:

    The inputs to this report are:
    1. File: This is the location of the input file in which the card data(for which status updates are necessary) is entered. This is a mandatoryparameter.
    2. Status: This is the status to which all the cards entered in the fileis to be changed. This is also a mandatory parameter. Only the status'Active' or 'Returned' can be entered here.

    This report changes the status of the cards and also populates thefields Ordered At, Printed At, Shipped At or Order Reference Number, asdefined in the input file.
    If any errors occur during the report execution, they are logged in theapplication log and can be viewed through transaction SLG1 for theobject CRMLOY and subobject MSH.