Programme SAP RLOY_CARD_MIGRATE_STATUS - Loyalty Card Status Management: Migrate to Status Management in EHP1

This report is used for the loyalty card status migration whileupgrading from CRM 7.0 loyalty management to CRM Enhancement Pack 1 (CRMEhP1) loyalty management or higher, which is mandatory for the new CRMEhP1 and further loyalty card enhancements to function correctly.
This report must not be used during upgrade from CRM 7.0 to CRM EhP1itself. This report must be used when the business function for CRM EhP1loyalty management, CRM_LOY_PROD (Loyalty Productivity) is turned on.
In CRM 7.0, loyalty card statuses were maintained through a customizingactivity SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Loyalty Management -Execution -> Memberships -> Define Membership Card Types, Layouts, andStatus -> Define Card Status. CRM EhP1 onwards the status managementhas been enhanced for loyalty cards and hence the above mentionedcustomizing would be irrelevant.

Upgrade from CRM 7.0 to CRM EhP1 or higher and turn on the CRM EhP1loyalty management business function on - CRM_LOY_PROD (LoyaltyProductivity). This report would be based on the default status profiledelivered for loyalty cards - LOYCRD; unless a new alternate statusprofile is created by the user.

The execution of this report populates the new CRM EhP1 card statusfields/attributes namely the User and System status for all the loyaltycards that were already created before turning on the CRM EhP1 loyaltymanagement functionality or the Loyalty Productivity business function.
The old cards which were created previously would have their system anduser status fields empty. For the new loyalty card enhancements tofunction correctly, with respect to these previously existing cards, itis mandatory that these two status fields are entered. However once thebusiness function has been turned on, all cards created subsequentlywill already have these two fields populated in creation itself. Thusthis report is relevant only the already existing cards.
If this report encounters failure, or partial success, then the reportcan be rerun with the same inputs.
This report may need to be run only once.

In order to achieve this migration, the input to this report is amapping between the old statuses and the new statuses. This mapping hasto be completely entered before this report can be executed. The inputdisplays a grid with two columns. The left column 'Current Status ofLoyalty Card' shows all the statuses maintained in the above mentionedcustomizing which are the old statuses of loyalty cards. The rightcolumn 'New Status of Loyalty Card", are blanks, with input F4 help toselect any user status for the loyalty card corresponding to the oldstatus.
For each old status X, a corresponding user (new) status Y has to beentered on the right side of the grid. This would mean that for all thecards in the system for which the old status was maintained as X, thenew user status should be populated as Y.
The same corresponding new status can be entered for two different oldstatuses.
After all the corresponding user statuses have been entered, click thebutton 'Update Cards with New Status'.

The result of this report is that the user and system status fieldswould be entered for the existing old cards. On viewing this card on theIC Web Client UI Card Overview page, the status of the card must bepresent and populated according to the input provided to this report.
The successful execution of this report would display the message 'Cardstatus migration completed'.

An example for the input grid: