Programme SAP RLOY_ATC_ARCHIVE_WRITE - Archiving Temporary Cards: Write Program

This archiving report is used to archive all the anonymous temporarycards that satisfy the set of input conditions which are entered duringthe archiving process. This report archives anonymous temporary cardsfrom the anonymous temporary cards database table only. This reportdoes not archive anonymous temporary cards from the the main loyaltycards database.

External ID - Anonymous temporary card ID or a range of anonymoustemporary card IDs.
Program ID - ,,Loyalty program ID or range of loyalty program IDs towhich the external ID belongs.
Campaign ID - Campaign ID or range of campaign IDs to which external IDbelongs.
Valid From - Anonymous temporary cards whose validity starts on or afterthe date entered in this field.
Valid To - Anonymous temporary cards whose validity ends on or beforethe date entered in this field.
Test Mode - Operation done in this mode do not actually delete data fromdatabase.
Production Mode - Operation done in this mode reflects on database.
Detail Log (DDLB) - Amount of details needed after execution.
Log Output (DDLB) - Option to store log information.
Archiving Session Note - A note can be maintained by user for particularsession.

Anonymous temporary cards which satisfy the set of input conditions arearchived depending on the mode selected in selection criteria anddeleted from database table.