Programme SAP RLOLML02 - Check Report for Stock Placement Strategy K in Customizing

Report RLOLML02 is used to check the Customizing settings forstock placement strategy K.
You have to enter the warehouse number and thestorage type for which the settings will bechecked.
The following settings will be checked:

  • Is stock placement strategy K set for the reserve storage area?

  • Is the control data for strategy K defined for the reserve storage
  • area?
    • Is the reference storage type set in the control data for strategy K?

    • Is the storage bin coordinate structure set in the control data for
    • strategy K?
      • Is stock placement strategy F set as stock placement strategy in the
      • reference storage type?
        • Have the storage bins been created in the reserve storage area?

        • For each storage bin in the reserve storage area, the report will
        • perform the following checks:
          Are the shelf and stack coordinates set?
          Do the shelf and stack coordinates only contain numerical characters?
          If aisles are assigned to shelfs, does an entry exist for each shelfthat has been determined from the storage bins of the storage type?
          • Have the storage bins been created in the reference storage type?

          • For each storage bin in the reference storage type, the report will
          • perform the following checks:
            Are the shelf and stack coordinates set?
            Do the shelf and stack coordinates only contain numerical characters?