Programme SAP RLMGT010 - Test Program for Initial Entry of Stock Balances in WM

This report is used as test report for the initial entry ofinventory data into the SAP System.
Enter an existing storage binand a target storage bin.
All quants for the storage bin are read and stored into asequential file in the format LDK33. This file isused as the basis for creating transferorders in the destination storage bin.
Please refer to the documentation of transfer reportRLMG0010 for further processing.
Displaying documentation for RLMG0010

In order to have this function, you must first have created thetarget storage bin, for example with reports RLMGT001,RLMG0000 and RLMG0001.
You must have maintained a physical path for the logical pathMM_WM_LQUA_TAKEOVER.
Maintaining the physical path

Either a success message is issued or an error message if anerror occurred.