Programme SAP RLLX4700 - Analysis of Delayed Delivery Update

This report gives you an overview of the update status of outbounddeliveries.
If the entire outbound delivery or part of the outbound delivery isblocked at the time of the update, the system cannot update theoutbound delivery with the confirmation data from the correspondingtransfer orders (TOs).
If an outbound delivery is not updated with the confirmation data, youcannot process the outbound delivery further.
The system flags the outbound deliveries that have not yet been updatedwith the confirmation data from the corresponding transfer orders. Inmost cases you also receive information as to why an outbound deliveryhas not yet been updated.
If the update of the delivery fails during confirmation, the indicator'Include picking quantities in delivery' is determined via the movementtype.

You only use the report for analyzing delayed delivery update status ifyou have set up delayed delivery update in the Customizing forWarehouse Management under Interfaces -> Shipping-> Shipping Control -> Shipping Control per Warehouse Number
in the field Delayed Delivery Update.

You can restrict the selection of the outbound deliveries to bedisplayed as follows:

  • By warehouse number

  • By specific transfer orders or specific outbound deliveries

  • By selecting the indicator 'activate item'. This indicator means that
  • all items in the display are automatically selected.
    • Via the indicator 'Analyze TO item'. This indicator analyzes the state
    • of the individual transfer order items. This setting enables theadditional display of transfer orders, which have only been partiallyconfirmed. Transfer orders that have been completely confirmed arealways displayed. (Note however, that the display can be verytime-consuming.)

      Using this report you receive a list of outbound deliveries for thewarehouse number, the TOs assigned to the outbound delivery, and theupdate status of every outbound delivery.
      As well as the update status, the report also gives you:

      • Detailed data on the TOs created for the outbound delivery (creation
      • date, confirmation date, and so on)
        • Information as to when the delivery update is planned to take place

        • Error cause: The reason why an outbound delivery has not been updated.

        • The message text always appears in the language in which the error waslogged. This means that the message text is independent of the currentlanguage setting.

          To update an outbound delivery from the screen Analysis of DelayedDelivery Update, select the outbound delivery and choose
          Update. This triggers the update of the delivery. At thispoint you cannot be certain whether the delivery has actually beenupdated, therefore we recommend refreshing the display.