Programme SAP RLLQ0200 - Posting Change Quants for Material in WM and IM

Transferring quants in WM and IM

With this report, you can transfer quants in the Warehouse ManagementSystem and in inventory management at the same time.


Two charges are available to you for selection:
You select the quants for a specific storage type. Quants with specificcharacteristics are reposted using the Warehouse Management movementtype (for example, from consignment stock to actual stock).
You select the quants for a specific material, that is, you enter thematerial and the plant. By doing so, specific quants are reposted for aspecific material (for example, from stock available to blocked stock).
You can execute the report in the background or foreground.
For foreground control, you have the possibility of selecting thequants individually from the list.
For background control, all quants selected using the selectioncritaria are automatically re-posted using the Warehouse Managementmovement type entered.
If you plan the report as a job for background processing, backgroundcontrol must be switched on.

Example for selection using storage type:
Material staging in WM for components from PP sales orders also takesvendor consignment goods into account. This is achieved by activatingstock determination. Quants for special stock 'C' (consignment) canalso be found on the WM production interface. These quants should beposted cyclically to the actual stock, so that goods issue posting canbe executed.
The report is planned cyclically as a job for background processing. Itselects all quants on the production interface with special stock 'C',and re-posts them using the WM movement type entered.
Example for selection using material:
A pallet with a specific material was damaged in the warehouse. As acheck will be run to determine whether the complete quantity is stillavailable, the corresponding stock on the storage bin and in inventorymanagement should be blocked.
The report is executed online. It selects according to thecorresponding material. The quant is chosen explicitly on the list, andthe re-posting triggered.