Programme SAP RLLNACH1 - Replenishment for Fixed Bins in WM

You can use this report to control internal replenishment in thewarehouse for fixed storagebins. The system determines the replenishment quantity based on thecurrent stock situation in the storage bin and the settings in thematerial master record. It then createstransfer requirements based on thereplenishment quantity.
Enter the plant, the warehouse number
and the storage type.
Using the Additional info for the transfer requirement, you canprovide more information to the transfer requirements.
The selections in the Screen control section allow you torequest the replenishment immediately via the list of items to bereplenished and the request for production supply.

Define a WM movement type for thestorage type concerned using the fixed binputaway strategy. In the standardsystem, you can use WM movement type 319 to replenish internalproduction storage bins. If you use this movement type, you do nothave to define a requirement type.
For stored materials, the storage bin and the control data associatedwith it have already been maintained.

The system only displays a list of all materials for which a fixed binwas defined in the material master record if you select Foregroundprocess in the screen control.
The quantity totals for the storage bin and transfer requirement aredisplayed for the stock as follows:

  • Available quantity in the fixed bin

  • Quantity to be stored in the fixed bin

  • Open quantity in transfer requirements that were already created for
  • the fixed bin
    • Quantity of transfer requirements that were created with this report if
    • production supply was requested
      The report calculates the quantity that will be supplied to the fixedbin from the quantities that are entered in the fieldsReplenishment quantity, Minimum quantity, and Maximumquantity in the section Storage bin stock of the materialmaster record.
      The system suggests a supply quantity if the stock in the fixed binfalls below the minimum quantity. The system attempts to fill the binup to the maximum quantity defined in the material master bymultiplying the replenishment quantity as many times as possible (seeCalculation example 1 below).
      If no replenishment quantity is defined in the material master, thesystem supplies a quantity of material that brings the stock level backup to the maximum quantity defined for the storage bin (see Calculationexample 2).

      In the SAP standard system, storage type 005 in warehouse number 001 ismanaged as a fixed bin storage type.

      • Minimum stock = 10

      • Maximum stock = 100

      • Replenishment qty = 40

      • Storage bin stock = 5

      • Since the storage bin stock has fallen below the minimum stock leveldefined in the material master, the system calculates a quantity to besupplied to this storage bin. The system attempts to increase thetotal quantity in the bin (5) by multiplying the replenishment quantity(40) as many times as possible to match the maximum quantity definedfor the bin (100) without exceeding it. For the supply quantity, thesystem calculates 80 pieces (5 + 2 x 40 = 85 < 100).
        • Minimum stock = 10

        • Maximum stock = 100

        • Replenishment qty = 0 (no quantity is entered in this field)

        • Storage bin stock = 5

        • Since the storage bin stock has fallen below the minimum stock leveldefined in the material master, the system calculates a quantity ofstock to be supplied to this storage bin. However, since noreplenishment quantity is defined in the material master record for thestorage bin, the system calculates the supply quantity as thedifference between the maximum quantity minus the actual quantity ofstock in the fixed bin (100 - 5 = 95).