Programme SAP RLLL04SE - Warehouse Monitor: Determine Critical Deliveries

This report is a warehouse activity monitor report that determines allWM-relevant deliveries for the warehouse number specified that do notyet have the "Completely processed" WM activity status and fulfill oneof the following requirements:

  • The period between the report runtime and the planned loading date in
  • the delivery header is less than a specific (critical) duration.
    • The period between the report runtime and the planned goods issue date
    • in the delivery header is less than a specific (critical) duration.
      • The period between the report runtime and the planned material staging
      • date in the delivery header is less than a specific (critical)duration.
        When maintaining the comparison time point for picking wave creation(table T340D) for each warehouse number in Customizing, you determinewhich of these three criteria is used as a reference time forselection. If you do not specify a time point, the system uses theloading date as reference time by default.
        Whenever the report is run, the database table of critical deliveriesis reorganised: the report deletes all deliveries from this table thatdo no longer fulfill the criteria for critical deliveries (for example,since they have been processed).
        You should execute this report as part of a batch job that is run atfixed intervals (for example, once or twice a day). This report is alsocalled up by the warehouse activity monitor (transaction LL01,
        Warehouse Management screen: Environment -> Warehouse activitymonitor), if you are on the warehouse activity monitor overview screen,place your cursor on the Critical deliveries object, and chooseEdit -> Determine data again.

        Special cases:

        • A delivery may contain both items that are relevant for WM and items
        • that are not relevant for WM. The warehouse activity monitor classifiesa delivery as not critical if the delivery can be regarded as processedfrom the warehouse management point of view (WM activity status set to"Completely processed"). This means that a delivery might be classifiedas not critical by the warehouse activity monitor although it has notbeen fully processed. In this case, however, the unprocessed items arenot relevant for WM.
          • You can also specify the material staging date of the delivery at the
          • delivery item level. However, the warehouse activity monitor only usesthe material staging date from the delivery header to determine whethera delivery is critical or not. If different material staging dates arerequired for the delivery header and the delivery items, you should useeither the loading date or the goods issue date as reference time pointfor the warehouse activity monitor.

            The system will only determine critical deliveries for a warehousenumber, if you have activated the Critical deliveries object inCustomizing for the warehouse number entered on the report selectionscreen and if you have defined a critical duration for the warehousenumber.

            The report will store all determined critical deliveries in databasetable LL04. All deliveries stored in this table will be displayed ascritical deliveries by the warehouse activity monitor (transactionLL01) unless they are processed.