Programme SAP RLLL03SE - Warehouse Monitor: Determination of Critical Posting Change Documents

This report is a warehouse activity monitor report that determines allposting change notices for the warehouse number specified that do notyet have the "Processed" status and have existed longer than a specific(critical) duration.
You can define the critical duration for each combination of warehousenumber and movement type in Customizing. If you do not specify acritical duration for a specific combination of warehouse number andmovement type, the system will not determine critical posting changenotices for this combination.

Special case:
For posting change notices with immediate TO creation, you can specifya second critical duration in Customizing. If you define this criticalduration for specific combinations of warehouse number and movementtype, the report will classify posting change notices with immediate TOcreation as critical if their status is not set to "Processed" and ifthey have existed longer than this second critical duration. Forposting change notices without immediate TO creation, the firstcritical duration is applicable.
Whenever the report is run, the database table of critical postingchange notices is reorganised: the report deletes all posting changenotices from this table that do no longer fulfill the criteria forcritical posting change notices (for example, since their status hasbeen set to "Processed").
You should execute this report as part of a batch job that is run atfixed intervals (for example, once or twice a day). This report is alsocalled up by the warehouse activity monitor (transaction LL01,Warehouse Management screen: Environment -> Warehouse activity monitor)if you are on the warehouse activity monitor overview screen, placeyour cursor on the Open posting change notices object, andchoose Edit -> Determine data again.

The system will only determine critical posting change notices for awarehouse number if you have activated the Open posting changenotices object in Customizing for the warehouse number entered onthe report selection screen.

The report will store all determined critical posting change notices indatabase table LL03. All posting change notices stored in this tablewill be displayed as critical posting change notices by the warehouseactivity monitor (transaction LL01) unless their status is set to"Processed".