Programme SAP RLLL01TA - Warehouse Monitor: List of Non-Confirmed TO Items for a Transf.Order

For all transfer order items submitted in a table, you use this reportto determine the stock and movement data of the storage bins that areused for these transfer order items. The report retrieves the transferorder item table from the ABAP memory by using IMPORT FROM MEMORY. Thisis why you cannot call up this report directly. The report is called upby the warehouse activity monitor if you select an item on the detaillist screen of critical transfer order items and choose "Information onTO".

The system displays a list containing the stock and movement data ofthe source, destination and return storage bins for a transfer orderitem. From this list, you can call up a list of the unconfirmedtransfer order items for one of the storage bins involved (source,destination, or return storage bin) that refer to the same materialnumber, batch, and stock category. You can only access this list ifadditional unconfirmed transfer order items exist for one of thestorage bins (source, destination, or return storage bin) used for thetransfer order item. This is the case if, on the stock and movementdata screen, the bin coordinates of the corresponding storage bin orbins are highlighted.