Programme SAP RLLL01SE - Warehouse Monitor: Determine Unconfirmed Transfer Orders

You can use this report in the warehouse activity monitor function todetermine all unconfirmed transfer order items for the warehouse numberentered that have existed longer than a specific duration (criticalduration).
You can define this duration in the Customizing application for eachcombination of warehouse number, movement type, source storage type,and destination storage type. If you do not specify a critical durationfor a specific combination of warehouse number, movement type, sourcestorage type, and destination storage type, the system will notdetermine critical transfer order items for this combination.
You should execute this report as part of a batch job that is run atfixed intervals (for example, once or twice a day). This report is alsocalled up by the warehouse activity monitor (transaction LL01, in theWarehouse Management screen: Environment -> Warehouse activity monitor)if you are on the warehouse activity monitor overview screen, placeyour cursor on the Unconfirmed transfer orders object, andchoose Edit -> Determine data again.

The system will only determine critical transfer order items for awarehouse number if you have activated the Unconfirmed transferorders object in Customizing for the warehouse number entered on thereport selection screen.

The report will store all determined unconfirmed transfer order itemsthat have existed longer than the critical duration in database tableLL01. All transfer order items stored in this table will be displayedas critical transfer order items by the warehouse activity monitorunless they are confirmed or cancelled.

187935Poor performance in Warehouse Activity Monitor