Programme SAP RLKOMM00 - Combined Pick List

You use this report (RLKOMM00) to print pick lists.
It is called up during multiple processingtransactions, but can also be executed directly using the transactionfor printing transfer orders.
The report is printed either via SAPSCRIPT or ABAP.
If you enter only the warehouse number and the reference number whenyou start the report, the program searches for the required controldata in the print control tables (see Customizing).

If you want to switch the printing to ABAP, proceed as follows:
So that you do not change a program that has already been delivered,copy the report under another name. Make a record of this name inCustomizing (Events-Transfers-Print control: Print control for multipleprocessing). Copy all the SAP original programs you want to changeunder another name and change the copies. In this way, you ensure thatsystem transports of new releases do not change your programs. nichtändern können. Use the names reserved for customers (Z.......).
In the report, set asterisks in place of the SAPSCRIPT print commandafter START-OF-SELECTION, and remove the asterisk for ABAP print.
If you want to modify the print output, proceed as follows:
Copy the report, as described above in item 1 (if you have not copiedit already).
The control for the SAPSRCIPT forms and the WRITE statements for ABAPprint are in the following Includes:
RLKOMM92 ABAP print for TO pick list 1
RLKOMM93 ABAP print for TO pick list 2 with requirement
RLVSDR93 ABAP print for TO single print
If you work with SAPSCRIPT and only want to create a new form usingTransaction SE71, you do not need to execute 1. It is sufficient tospe this in the corresponding tables for print control in Customizing.
If you work with ABAP print, you should copy the include that you wantto modify under the name z.B. XYZ... and only change it after that.You must specify the include in the copy report in 1. Search usingFIND INCLUDES, and add INCLUDE XYZ...
So that the program XYZ... is really called up, modify the IncludeRLVSCASE. (Copy this under another name.) Enter a new DATA statement(a new form name) and add WHEN... conditions into the new FORMroutines. (Remember that for multiple processing lists or pick liststhe header of the list and the footer should have their own CASEstatements in RLVSCASE, which you must also modify.)
Since RLVSCASE is used both by the print report RLVSDR10 as well as bythe print report RLVSDR10 for pick lists, you must also enter theINCLUDE XYZ... in the report RLVSDR10 (that is, if you want to workparallel with pick list printing and standard TO printing).
The last step refers to calling up your newly defined "form". To dothis, call up Customizing-Activities-Transports-Print codes, and thenew form name for a particular print code.
In the same table, you see the column "Sort". The numbers refer to thenumber of the sort routine in the include RLKOMM90. You can use thestandard sort routines or copy RLKOMM90 and define new sort sequences.The standard sort sequences are:
1 Sort by source storage bin within a reference number
2 Sort by destination storage bin within a reference number
3 Sort by material number within a reference number
4 Sort by TO item number within a reference number
5 Sort by source storage bin for all reference numbers
6 Sort by destination storage bin for all reference numbers
7 Sort by material number for all reference numbers
8 Sort by TO item number for all reference numbers
9 ,10 free
Tip for testing: You can start the report RLKOMM00 directly. The printresults can be displayed on the screen.