Programme SAP RLE_SHP_IDX_TABLE_XPRA - XPRA Report for Filling Index Tables for Deliveries

XPRA Report for Filling Index Tables for Deliveries

This report is used to initially construct theindex tables for deliveries when youupgrade to Release 4.70 or higher.

The XPRA report is only run if

  • the source release of the upgrade is 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 4.5, or 4.6

  • the target release of the upgrade is 4.70 or higher

  • The report was programmed only to be carried out during theupgrade, and is aborted ifyou start the report online or in the course of normalbackground processing.


    The report reads the relevant matchcode tables for objects VMVL(outbound deliveries), VMVM (inbound deliveries), and VMVG (rough goodsreceipts) in each client in a system. It then copies the entries to thenew index tables. Sometimes, data from the delivery header table LIKPand the header status table VBUK is added to the data from thematchcode tables. The following schema shows the data flow:
    Target table,,Source table,,Additional data from table
    SHP_IDX_ROGR )***,,M_VMVGA,,-
    )*Conversion only for start release 4.5B and higher.
    )**The source table used depends on the start release of the upgrade.For releases 3.1I and 4.0B, table M_VMVMA is used and for release 4.5Band higher, table M_VMVMD.
    )***Conversion only for start release 4.0B and higher.
    After the target tables are filled, the entries from the matchcodetables are removed to make more storage space in the database. Thereport also deletes the entries from those tables that are notnecessary for converting matchcode objects VMVL and VMVM.
    After the data for all clients has been successfully converted, thesystem completely deletes the matchcode objects VMVL, VMVM, and VMVG.

    Once the conversion has successfully finished, the matchcode tables forthe objects VMVL, VMVM, and VMVG are empty in all clients in thesystem.

    Restarting the Program
    You can restart the XPRA report in the upgrade if you need to restartthe upgrade. Processing is then continued using the not yet fullyconstructed index tables.

    Procedure if Program Aborts
    If the report is not successfully run, the worklists and search helpsfor deliveries are partially available, or not available at all.
    In this case, you can proceed as follows to make the index tablesfunction properly:
    Run programRLE_SHP_IDX_TABLE_MAINTAIN foreach client where you require index tables. You can start this programparallel to your productive system if you need to. Before you start theprogram, read the relevantdocumentation.
    Delete any matchcode objects VMVL, VMVM, and VMVG that will not be usedin future using the ABAP Dictionary (menu path:Utilities -> Other Dictionary Objects).

    You can test the report online in SAP-internal systems, if you set theuser parameter LE_SHP_IDX_XPRA_TEST:

    • ' ': The report runs as in the upgrade (meaning that it aborts during
    • normal processing)
      • 'D': The report runs in test mode and performs all database operations.
      • The matchcode objects involved are kept. The report also issues a logand measures the runtime.
        • 'E': As in option 'D', however the matchcode objects are physically
        • deleted when the program ends. Use this variant of the user parametervery carefully, since you can only start the report once using thisoption.
          • 'X' or any other value: The report runs in test mode, but does not make
          • any changes to the database.

1093055Empty index tables after you upgrade to ERP 6.0