Programme SAP RLCATO10 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Cancel TOs (WMCAID01 IDOC)

You can use this report to test the interface between an externalsystem and the WM system for cancelling transfer orders.
Using this report you can simulate the receipt of the IDocWMCAID01 (Cancel TO) and thus simulate the cancellation of thetransfer order.
The following test options are available:

  • Testing via the ALE interface

  • The IDocs set up in this report are passed on to the function module'INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS'. Further processing is the same as for thestandard interface from the external system via ALE. In other words,IDocs are generated, the respective application function module forprocessing the IDocs is selected, and, in case of error, the workflowis activated.
    So that the receipt from ALE can be processed, the partner link for theexternal system to be tested and message type WMCATO must be defined.The recipient from the IDoc that was transmitted as the cancellationrequest to the test external system is taken as the sender.
    In addition, this test can run in the background. To do this, selectthe option "In Background Task".
    • Testing cancellation directly

    • The created IDocs are passed on for processing directly by this reportto the application function module (L_IDOC_INPUT_WMCATO). The resultof this processing step is that the individual transfer orders arecancelled and a log with the respective data is issued. During normalprocessing this data is passed back from this function module to ALE.This type of testing is appropriate if the processing is to be testedwithin the application.
      To activate this type of test, select the option 'Call up processingdirectly'.
      • Testing between two R/3 systems

      • In this case you can test the communication for the TO cancellation.The communication takes place between two SAP systems, that is, betweentwo clients. In other words, the reaction of the external system issimulated by the transmitting SAP system. To test the IDoc receipt,this test option is absolutely required.
        To activate this test, select the option 'In Background Task' and enterthe logical RFC destination.
        Careful: Testing this interface causes updates in the database.If processing is successful, the TOs defined in the IDocs arecancelled.

        The data is passed on in the form of an intermediate structureWMCAID01. The selected IDocs that were set up in the WMS during thetransfer order cancellation and were transmitted as a cancellationrequest to the external system serve as the basis for the IDocprocessing step. The cancellation IDoc is considered as a reply to thecancellation request. For this reason, the cancellation request IDocand the cancellation data is supplemented and passed on to the WMS.
        As a rule, a cancellation is passed back for all transfer order itemsto be cancelled. If not all items that can be cancelled are to bepassed on using IDocs, you must enter an explanation note. The firstselected items (depending on the number of items that cannot becancelled) are marked in the IDoc as items that cannot be cancelled andare given an appropriate note.

        The output options for the report can be read up in the documentationRLCATO00.