Programme SAP RLBBIN00 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Block Storage Bin (WMBIID01-IDOC)

You use this report to test the interface between an external system(subsystem) and the WM system for blocking storage bins.
Using this report you can simulate the receipt of IDOCs WMBBID01 andthus the blocking of storage bins or rows initiated by the externalsystem.
The following test options are available:

  • Testing via ALE interface.

  • The IDOCs set up in this report are passed on to the function module"INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS". Further processing is the same as for thestandard interface from the external system via ALE. In other words,IDOCs are generated, the respective application function module forprocessing the IDOCs is selected, and, in case of error, the workflowis activated.
    So that the receipt from ALE can be processed, the partner link for theexternal system to be tested and message type "WMBBIN" must be defined.In the report selection screen, you need to enter the external systemas the sender. As recipient you must enter the logical name of the R/3system in which this test is taking place. This name is defined in theclient table as the logical system. If the sender and recipient aremaintained (in the distribution model), these will also be determinedby this report and displayed in the selection screen.
    In addition, you can run this test in the background. To do so, selectthe option "In Background Task".
    • Test blocking of storage bins directly.

    • The created IDOCs are passed on for processing directly by this reportto the application function module (L_IDOC_INPUT_WMBBIN). Theindividual storage bins are then blocked and a log with the respectivedata is issued. The data is passed back to ALE by this function moduleduring normal processing. This type of test is appropriate if theprocessing is to be tested within the application.
      To activate this type of test, select the option "Call up processingdirectly".
      • Testing between two R/3 systems.

      • In this case, the communication for blocking the storage bins istested. The communication takes place between two R/3 systems, thatis, between two clients. In other words, the reaction of the externalsystem is simulated by the transmitting R/3 system. To test the IDOCreceipt, this test method is absolutely required.
        For this test also, the participating systems must be specified. Assender you enter the logical name of the R/3 system in which you areworking in the selection screen of the report. As recipient enter thelogical name of the R/3 system to which the data is to be transmitted.The report can only determine the name of the sender automatically. Inthe receiving R/3 system, the partner link in the inbox of the senderand message type WMBBIN must be defined.
        To activate this test, select the option 'In Background Task' withspecification of the logical RFC destination.
        Careful: Testing this interface causes updates in the database.If processing is successful, the storage bins defined in the IDOCs areblocked or unblocked.

        The data is passed on in the form of an IDOC type WMBBID01. Theselected storage bins serve as the basis for the IDOC processing. Foreach storage type, one IDOC with the individual storage bins iscreated. With this report you can block and unblock the storage bins.Also, blocking indicators and blocking reasons can be set.
