Programme SAP RK_PKOSA_MLMV_X1 - Convert Production Cost Collectors

In Release 4.5A, the cost-collecting objects in theProduct Cost by Periodcomponent are now productcost collectors rather than production cost collectors. In contrastto production cost collectors, product cost collectors are used notonly in repetitive manufacturing but also forproduction orders inorder-related production and for process orders in the processindustries.
Product cost collectors are always created for a particularproduction process. The productionprocesses and their associated production alternatives determine whichcharacteristics define the quantity structure for procurement of amaterials through production. These characteristics are determined innaming rules for the production processes or production alternatives.Release 4.5A supplies a standard naming structure that contains threenaming rules for production:

  • Material number forms the name (generic rule)

    • Material number and
    • production version formthe name
      • Material number and BOM/routing form the name

      • XPRA converts the existing production cost collectors into product costcollectors. The standard naming structure is assigned to each plant inwhich the production cost collector is used. If there is more than oneproduction cost collector for a material/production version, the systemselects those to be converted into product cost collectors using thefollowing strategy:
        • If a current run schedule header exists, the system converts the
        • production cost collector that belongs to that run schedule header. Anyrun schedule headers that are in the future are linked to the convertedproduct cost collector.
          • If no current run schedule header exists but there are a future run
          • schedule headers, the system converts the production cost collector ofthe run schedule header that is chronologically closest. Any runschedule headers that are farther in the future are linked to theconverted product cost collector.
            • If there are neither current nor future run schedule headers, the
            • production cost collector with the most recent previous run scheduleheader is converted.
              During conversion, the affected material is assigned to a naming group.As the naming rule, the system uses the rule that determines thematerial number and production version as the naming characteristics.In exceptional cases (production cost collectors for valuated salesorder stock or for KANBAN control cycles with corresponding costcollector search strategy) the generic rule that only contains thematerial number as the name-forming criterion is used.
              A production process with a production alternative is created for eachconverted production cost collector. Any existing 1:1 links between runschedule headers and production cost collectors are deleted - that is,the run schedule header number is deleted from the production costcollector.
              The settlement rules of the converted production cost collectors arechanged to default rule "with strategy" and the strategy is changed tothe value 5 (delivery value with product cost collector).
              In addition, in the cost object hierarchy those hierarchy nodes thatcontain the production version are linked to the affected process. Theassociated production process and the production alternative arecreated if necessary. The hierarchy nodes that contain a run scheduleheader number are also linked to the associated process and the runschedule header number is deleted from the hierarchy node.