Programme SAP RKXPRAKKASL - XPRA: Write Target Cost Versions in TKVS and TKA09

In the new Light Customizing for results analysis in 4.0,status-independent entries are managed in the new table TKKAS_L for thevaluation methods that were defined as status-dependent. The userchooses a valuation method independent of the status and receives onlyone entry for maintenance (assuming the Light-Customizing supported bySAP is being used). The corresponding entries of TKKAS (previousvaluation methods) are then created in the background or changed. IfCustomizing is more complex, maintenance is carried out as before intable TKKAS of the status-dependent valuation methods. However, in thiscase only the entries for the selected status-independent valuationmethod are offered for maintenance.
From table TKKAS the new table TKKAS_L should be derived and created.When the table is created, certain conditions are validated and thesystem validates against the new system table TKKAU of the simplifiedvaluation method supported by SAP. If the validation is not successful,the corresponding entry of TKKAS_L is identified as an Expert entry sothat later maintenance in Light Mode is not possible. Instead, the userworks as described in the old Customizing, which is automaticallyrecognized by the system.