Programme SAP RKW_UPDATE_BF_IO - Communication Between Application System and KW System

With the installation tool for enhancement package documentation youwere not able to determine the list of active business functionsdirectly from the SAP system. The option to manually create the list wasselected.
For this reason the list of active business functions (includinginformation about general documentation parts) can be created by runninga report in the SAP system, and stored in a path of your choice. Theinstallation tool needs this file to run the local help installation.

In the application system at least one enhancement package has beenimported. If there is no enhancement package in the application system,the active business functions do not have to be determined.

With report RKW_UPDATE_BF_IO business functions that are already activecan be determined for each SAP system. This list containing thetechnical names of business functions is saved to a TXT file.
This file is created even if no business functions have been activatedin this SAP system. In this case this TXT file only contains informationabout the general documentation parts that are still required for theinstallation of local help.

With report RKW_UPDATE_BF_IO the option Download TXT File with ActivatedBusiness Functions is used for creating and downloading the list ofbusiness functions.
This report can only be run in dialog mode (online). If you attempt torun the report in the background (batch), the batch job is cancelledwith the message, This function is not available in background mode.

The results of the report are created and stored depending on the pathselected and the file name of the TXT file containing the activebusiness functions and general documentation parts.
If a TXT file of the same name already exists in the selected path, youhave to choose a different name. Alternatively, you can overwrite theexisting file, or cancel the operation.
Any special characters in the technical names of the business functionshave been replaced with a '_# in this list, since the installation toolcan only handle standard forms of business function names.

To create and download the list of active business functions, proceed asfollows:

  • Call report RKW_UPDATE_BF_IO in transaction SA38 or SE38.

  • The option, Download TXT file with Activated Business Functions is
  • already selected.
    • Input a file name in field File Name (without '.TXT#).

    • If no file name is specified, the default file name following theselected path is BF_FUNCTION_LIST.
      If this proposed name is also removed, no further processing takesplace. The activity is terminated.
      • Start the process by choosing Execute (F8), or from the menu, Program ->
      • Execute.
        • Select the directory you want to store the TXT file in.

        • Depending on the SAP GUI release, you may be able to create a newsubdirectory. With SAP GUI releases smaller than 710 only an existingdirectory can be selected.
          • Choose 'Ok# to continue.

          • If the file is created successfully, a popup appears with details of the
          • path and file name.
            If a TXT file with the same name already exists in the selecteddirectory, you are asked if you want to overwrite this file.
            If you choose Yes, the file is overwritten. If you choose No, theoperation is cancelled.
            When you choose Continue, you return to the start screen of the report.
            Procedure for System Administration