Programme SAP RKTARCHK - Threshhold Check for Activity Prices After Euro Conversion

Threshhold value check for activity prices during conversion to euro

This report determines activity prices for cost centers and businessprocesses, for which conversion from the original currency to eurosleads to amounts that are smaller than or equal to a user-definedthreshhold value.
You must then decide whether you should adjust the calculated valuesmanually.

The system outputs a list with the affected activity prices.

On the initial screen of the report, you enter a threshhold value of1.00 EUR. The report produces the following output:
Threshhold check for activity prices during conversion to EUR
COAr. CostCtr AtyTpe Process Prd Amt EUR Curr Amt old curr
0001 4210 FST 001 1 EUR 2 DEM
0001 4220 FSTD 002 0.5 EUR 0.5 USD
0002 MANUFACT 005 0.1 EUR 1 JPY
According to this data, the following activity prices lie under the
threshhold value:

  • Activity price for cost center 4210, activity type FST in controlling
  • area 0001 in period 1
    • Activity price for cost center 4220, activity type FSTD in controlling
    • area 0001 in period 2
      • Activity price for business process MANUFACT in controlling area 0002
      • in period 5.
        All of the subsequent conversions result in planning changes. If theplanning has already been completed in the corresponding fiscal year,this influences future actual allocations. In this case, you shouldconsider whether you can do without the adjustment.
        You can solve this problem in the following ways:
        For automatically entered activity prices, you can carry out activityprice calculation. This automatically adjusts the activity price unitso that there is no deletion, whenever possible.
        You can adjust the activity price unit in manual planning and thuschange the activity price. For example, you choose 20 USD / 10 piecesinstead of 2 USD / piece.
        If the activity price unit reaches the maximum (= 10000), you shoulduse a different unit of measure for activity allocation in thesubsequent fiscal years.