Programme SAP RKSRULE1 - Settlement Rule: Determine Sort Field

This program determines the sort field for settlement rules (that is,the field COBRA-SORT is revalued in the relevant COBRB fields, usingreceiver information)

"Sender objects": object number(s) of the settlement senders whosesettlement rules you want to edit
"Redetermine sort field each time": if you do not select this field,the program only considers settlement rules with empty sort fields,otherwise it considers all the objects from "Sender objects". It onlymakes sense to choose this field if something has changed in the sortfield determination.
"Test run": If you select this field, the databases are not updated.
"Block size": This field determines the number of settlement rulesafter which a COMMIT WORK is transmitted. Note that this is also thenumber of locking entries created in each case.

The program outputs a list of all object numbers processed. If thecomment "Locked" appears behind an object number, this settlement ruleis currently being used by another process and cannot be processed byyou.
At the end of the list, the system outputs the number of settlementrules processed and the number of these which are locked. If any thereare any locked settlement rules, you should run the program again (donot select the "Redetermine sort field each time" parameter).