Programme SAP RKP_XPRA_40C_TPIR1 -

Conversion Report for Value Category Customizing Tables
This XPRA report program is onlay relevant to PS and PM customers; itis started automatically when you upgrade to Release 4.0C or laterreleases.
The old value category customizing tables are converted into the new,enhanced customizing tables. Thereafter, only the entries in the newtables are considered.
The following tables are converted:
Table TPIR1 for maintaining value categories (is converted into tableTPIR2).
Table TPIR1T for maintaining value category texts (is converted intotable TPIR2T).
Table TPIK2 for maintaining assignment of cost elements to valuecategories (is converted into table TPIK3).
Table TPIF2 for maintaining assignment of commitment items to valuecategores (is converted into table TPIF3).
Only entries for which assignments were maintained in the source systemare converted.
If errors occur during the conversion, you can repeat the program runeasily because no entries are deleted from the original tables.