Programme SAP RKLSDCINIT2 - Conversion of Table KLPARAM to KLSDCPARAM

Datebase table KLPARAM was mistakenly delivered without the clientfield in the key. This report fills the new delivered table KLSDCPARAMwith data from KLPARAM, whereby the client is transferred from tableKLARP (match using field ARNR [key for external transactions]).
At the same time, table KLSDCPARAM is used instead of table KLPARAM.


You only need to run this report if you have been using the singletransaction check function in the Default Risk and Limit Systemcomponent before upgrading the system to a Banking Release equal to orgreater than 4.61 patch level 3.
You run this report after you have upgraded the system to a BankingRelease equal to or greater than 4.61 patch level 3.