Programme SAP RKEREP3X - Delete table T2501, Correction of Foreign Key Description in CE7xxxx

This program runs as an XPRA when you upgrade from Release 2.2 to 3.0or higher.
The tables T2501 and CE7xxxx (xxxx = operating concern) are activatedwith the error messages/warnings:
Table T2501 is an old generated table that is no longer used. Thistable, the data element RKEG_ABC and the domain RKEG_ABC are deletedunless references exist.
In Release 3.0, the domain in data element CO_VORGANG was changed fromACTIVITY (check table T022) to J_VORGANG (check table TJ01). The fieldVRGNG in the generated CE7xxxx structures (xxxx = operating concern) isassigned to this changed data element. Since the foreign key is notconverted during the upgrade, an activation error occurs. The foreignkey is adapted to the new domain, and the structure is reactivated.

Log containing the actions carried out and the error messages.