Programme SAP RKAZUBEU - Threshhold Check for Overhead During Euro Translation

You can use this report to determine quantity-based overhead rates, forwhich the conversion from the original currency to euros leads toamounts that are less than or equal to a user-defined threshhold value.
You must then decide whether the values calculated should be correctedthrough manual maintenance.

The system outputs the affected overhead rates in a list.

On the initial screen of the report, you entered a threshhold value of1.00 EUR. The system produces the following output:
Threshhold check for overhead rates during conversion to EUR
Threshhold value 1.00 EUR
Amounts were found for the following quantity-based overhead rates
during the conversion to EUR, which were less than or equal to a
predefined threshhold value
Ohd rate| Amount | | PrUnit| Unit | Amount in EUR |
C100 | 1 | ITL | 1 | pc | 0.00 | EUR
C100 | 1 | ESP | 1 | pc | 0.01 | EUR
C100 | 1.00 | FRF | 1 | pc | 0.14 | EUR
C100 | 1.00 | DEM | 1 | pc | 0.50 | EUR
C100 | 1.00 | EUR | 1 | pc | 1.00 | EUR
Therefore, five entries exist for overhead rate C100, which are lessthan or equal to the threshhold value after the conversion. You shouldthen check whether you need to make manual corrections usingCustomizing. These can very likely be entries that result in an amountof 0.00 EUR.