Programme SAP RKATB01COWL - Application Toolbox: User-Specific Checks

Template Report for Customer Functions in Schedule Manager

This report provides the infrastructure for functions in the ScheduleManager:
Opening the logging in the Schedule Manager Monitor; see form routinekpep_moni_record_init
Reading an object list from the Schedule Manager worklist (tablegt_objnr). This table contains all objects successfully processed inthe previous processing steps. For objects of the application ProjectSystem, a hierarchy is also transferred (table gt_rsthie).
Branch to customer processing; see form routine call_processor.
Closing the logging in the Schedule Manager Monitor; see form routinekpep_moni_record_close.
Branch to customer logging; see form routine call_log.
One possibility is to access a separate processor in a customerprogram. In this case, the name of the program in which the processorlies must be assigned to the variable gd-customer_program.
Alternatively, the program structure of the form routinecall_processor can be copied. In this routine, the objects ofthe table gt_rsthie are divided into blocks of 100 objects. Thisenables more effective buffering of master data for all objects of ablock, for example. For the objects of the block, processing isperformed and the processing status is communicated to the worklist ofthe Schedule Manager.
All infrastructure functions for the Schedule Manager are representedin the template report.

Copy the template into a customer program. Of the assigned programobjects, only the include RKATB01_FORMS is copied; all other includesare standard programs that do not need to be changed.
Enter the program name in table SCMAPROGRAMS (WLFLG = "X", SELFLG = "", REPFLG = " ".) For the application, enter the node in the componenthierarchy (such as "PS").
Insert your own includes at the points in the program indicated:
Your own data declarations
Your own events
Your own processing module
Your own log output
Link thereport to the flow definition in the Schedule Manager.
All other explanations can be found in the program itself.