Programme SAP RKAKALC1 - Install Reconciliation Ledger

This program installs the cost element ledger.
Please note the following during installation:

  • The initial installation of the tables needed for the cost element
  • ledger and the affiliated generation of program code takes place forall clients.
    • Never install the tables in a running production system. Also, do not
    • install in your test client if the test client and the productionclient are being run on the same system. The reason is that controltables would be changed which may currently be being processed.Furthermore, code generation creates new programs that overwrite andreplace the programs currently running; this can result in programterminations and posting errors.
      • The installation of the cost element ledger and the respective field
      • movement rule must be made in every client of the SAP System.
        • The default options of the cost element ledger can be changed manually
        • after automatic installation. Configuration menu: Extended GeneralLedger -> Master data -> Change ledger.