Programme SAP RJVVSAN0 - IS-M/SD: Shipping Overview

Program RJVVSAN0 creates a shipping overview.
The shipping overview can stretch over a number of shipping dates in aperiod.
It can be restricted to certain plants and publications/editions.
You can choose the following shipping activities for the overview:
- Order finalization deadline (OFD)
- Shipping preparation 1 (SP1): Insertions
- Shipping preparation 2 (SP2): Ad pre-print delta coverage
- Shipping preparation 3 (SP3): Ad pre-print distribution
- Bundling (BDL)
- Shipping document creation (SDC)

The shipping analysis is first performed for each shipping date. The'Expand' function enables you to extend the analysis for each shippingdate to all plants on that date on a first level, and in a second levelto all editions in a plant. The 'Hide' function summarizes theseexpansion levels again.
The 'Details' function enables you to display details on each expansionlevel.
- Details for OFD: Only negative analysis (no positive analysis):
Lists deliveries or ad pre-print delivery types
for which no closing date was set.
- Details for SP1: Only negative analysis (no positive analysis):
Lists deliveries for which no shipping
preparation 1 took place.
- Details for SP2: Only negative analysis (no positive analysis):
Lists ad pre-print orders for which deltacoverage
was not carried out.
- Details for SP3: Only negative analysis (no positive analysis):
Lists ad pre-print orders for which distribution
did not take place.
- Details for PAC: Only negative analysis (no positive analysis):
Lists deliveries for which bundling did not
take place.
- Details for SDC: Both negative and positive analysis possible:
Positive analysis: Shipping documents free
from errors
Negative analysis: Shipping documents with