Programme SAP RJVVLPP - IS-M/SD: Shipping List for Periodical Post

Shipping list for periodical post

  • This report creates the shipping list for a postal distribution
  • indicator and a publication date.
    • Extended selection: To obtain further selection fields, press the
    • pushbutton 'Selections +'. This function can also be used, for example,to restrict the list to one particular postal code area.
      • Output: Numbers of units and postal packs for each postal code as well
      • as leader area ID.
        • Small postal packs are defined as postal packs containing fewer than 3
        • units.
          • If several editions are assigned the same postal distribution
          • indicator, the list contains the quantities for all these editions. Thedata in the list header is then taken from one of these editions.
            • When delimiting the postal code area on the selection screen, please
            • note that, for example, '89 ' does not lie within the range from'89000' to '99999' because ' ' is less than '0' (this applies at leastif the operating system for your application server uses the ASCIIcharacter set).
              • Print control allows you to specify the form that is to be used as well
              • as further parameters for spool control.
                • The default printer is taken from the user master record.

                • Example of forms that can be used

                • ISP_DEP_2204
                  • Symbols used: you can use all the fields in the following structures.
                  • Their meaning can be taken from the text.
                    JDTVAUSGB, JDTPVA, JDTDRER
                    The principal fields and their meanings are as follows:
                    RJLV09F-POVERKZ,,Postal distribution indicator
                    RJLV09F-EINLIEFDAT,,Goods arrival date (last shipping date)
                    RJLV09F-PLZ,,Leader postal code for a postal pack
                    RJLV09F-BFS,,Postal packing level
                    RJLV09F-KENNUNG,,Postal pack ID
                    RJLV09F-LEITBEZEI,,Text for leader unit
                    RJLV09F-ANZ_BUNDE,,Number of postal packs to a leader unit
                    RJLV09F-ANZ_VA,,Number of copies to a leader unit
                    RJLV09F-UT_VA,,Transfer copies
                    RJLV09F-UT_BUNDE,,Transfer postal packs
                    RJLV09F-SUM_VA,,Total copies
                    RJLV09F-SUM_BUNDE,,Total postal packs
                    RJLV09F-ANZ_LEIT,,Number of leader units
                    RJLV09F-ANZGROSSBD,,Number of large postal packs (>= 3)
                    RJLV09F-ANZKLEINBD,,Number of small postal packs (< 3)