Programme SAP RJVVERSV - IS-M: Shipping Preparation for Title and Ad Pre-Print Inserts

This program prepares shipping for title and ad pre-print inserts/adinserts.
If the ad insert order (IS-M/AM) is not active, ad pre-prints are sentbased on the IS-M/SD ad pre-print order.
If the ad insert order is active, ad inserts are sent based on this.

Data updated
The program prepares shipping: that is to say, is updates the insertmixes for deliveries for a shipping date for which packing was not yetperformed and selects an indicator (JVTLFNG) stating that this hastaken place. Shipping preparation does not change deliveries for whichpacking was already performed. Deliveries for delta coverage anddistribution of ad pre-prints/ad inserts are not included in shippingpreparation.
The insert mixes (JVTBLGAUS) and insert combinations (JVTBLGZUS)determined are also updated. Shipping preparation can create a newinsert mix or combination and if the program is repeated for the sameshipping date, it can also delete or copy these objects. An insert mixor combination cannot be deleted if the following apply:
- The insert mix has already been sent
- Packing was already performed for the delivery
- The insert mix is still used in a delivery for a plant or
delivery type that was not selected.
If the ad insert order is active, an assignment of the insert mix tothe ad insert order is updated (JVTSIBLZUO). The program also selectsthe indicator 'Shipping started' in the ad insert order or cancels itin the deletion run.

Selection criteria
The shipping preparation report for title and ad pre-print insertsselects deliveries (not ad pre-print deliveries) for the shipping datefor which packing has not yet taken place. Selection can be restrictedto deliveries for certain plants, editions and logistical deliverytypes.
You can either enter the shipping date or have the system determine it.To do the latter, you can select the parameter 'Determine next shippingdate'. If the system is unable to determine one shipping date, shippingpreparation does not take place. You should therefore only have thesystem determine the date automatically if your selection criteriaallow one date to be determined. It is possible to determine one dateif the function 'Set shipping date' was last performed for the sameshipping date or if it was also performed with automatic determinationof the next shipping date for the selection criteria.
If is also possible to delete insert mixes that have been determined. Adeletion run deletes the insert mixes in the deliveries together withthe indicator denoting that shipping preparation was performed. Insertmixes/combinations are also deleted if no criteria apply to preventthis (see above).
If the ad insert order is active, the deletion run deletes theassignments of the ad insert order to the insert mix and cancels theindicator 'Shipping started' in the ad insert order.
Other parameters allow you to have the report executed as a test run(without database updates) and to choose a compact list (onlydisplaying the insert mixes/combinations without deliveries anddelivery assignments).

Important differences in meaning of closing date for shippingpreparation if the ad insert order is active or inactive:
Ad insert order active:
Shipping preparation can also be started before the closing date (forthe carrying edition) is reached, meaning that the insert mix can begenerated 'in advance'. If shipping preparation is started again for aparticular shipping date for which it has already been performed, thereport only selects ad insert orders for which the indicator 'Shippingstarted' is not yet selected. (Insert mixes are not deleted and createdagain in a normal run - insert mix deletion must be started explicitlyusing the deletion run.)
Ad insert order inactive:
Shipping preparation can only be started if the closing date (for allcarrying editions) has already been reached. If preparation is startedagain for a shipping date for which is has already been performed,insert mixes are deleted and created again if deletion is allowed (seeabove).


The following data must be maintained:
There must be deliveries for which packing has not been performed thatmatch the selection criteria.
If the ad insert order is not active, the function 'Set shipping date'must already have been performed for all the selected deliveries.

The following processing activities cannot be performed in parallel toshipping preparation for title and ad pre-print insertion:
- Reorganization of quantity planning
- Netchange of quantity planning
- Editing deliveries
- Shipping preparation for insertion/distribution/delta coverage


Output structure

Error log if the function 'Set shipping date' has not yet been carriedout (only if ad insert is inactive):
The report lists the shipping dates (to be more precise, the shippingdate, publication, logistical delivery type and plant) for which theshipping function 'Set shipping date' has not yet been carried out.

Structure of summarized list (only insert mixes/combinations withoutdeliveries and delivery assignment):
If the ad insert order is active, the report lists ad insert schedulelines that could not be processed due to inconsistencies in the bookingunit.
The report lists the insert mixes/combinations created, copied anddeleted by shipping preparation.

Structure of comprehensive list (insert mixes/combinations includingdeliveries and delivery assignments):
List of deliveries and delivery assignments processed in shippingpreparation:
The list contains a number of important attributes and the factors fromthe delivery that influence determination of the insert mix. Pleasenote the following with regard to the delivery types: selection on theselection screen takes place according to the logistical delivery type;the insert mix, however, is determined according to the actual deliverytype for the delivery.
If the ad insert order is active, the report lists ad insert schedulelines that could not be processed due to inconsistencies in the bookingunit.
If the ad insert order is active, the report lists new assignments andthose deleted (insert mix for ad insert schedule lines).
Output of insert mixes/combinations:
The report lists the insert mixes/combinations created, copied anddeleted by shipping preparation.

Which fields are listed?

List output if 'Set shipping date' has not been carried out:
Fields for shipping function 'Set shipping date':
(only if ad insert not active)
- Plant
- Publication
- Logistical delivery type

List output of deliveries being edited:
Fields for delivery:
- Delivery number
- Subsequent delivery number
- Issue
- Plant
- Actual publication from delivery, carrier of insert
- Actual edition from delivery, carrier of insert
- Logistical delivery type for deliver
(= Delivery type by which search can be performed)
- Publication date of issue
- Shipping date for delivery
- Indicator: Shipping preparation performed for insertion
Fields from delivery that control the insert mix:
- Mix type
For combination editions, this is the mix type of the
combination edition.
- Actual delivery type from delivery
(does not need to be the same as the logistical delivery
type on the selection screen)
- Customer group
- Geographical unit
- Carrier route
Internal program fields:
- Insert mix before shipping preparation

List of AI schedule lines that contain inconsistencies with regard tothe basic booking units and that cannot therefore be processed byshipping preparation (only if the ad insert is active):
- Ad insert order number
- Ad insert item number
- Ad insert schedule line number
- Basic booking unit for ad insert schedule line

List of delivery assignments (only if ad insert active):
Fields for assignment of AI schedule line to insert mix
- Carrying issue for insert
- Insert mix
- Ad insert order number
- Ad insert item number
- Ad insert schedule line number
- Basic booking unit for ad insert schedule line
- Ad insert for ad insert schedule line

List of insert mixes/combinations edited:
Fields in insert mix/combination:
- Carrying issue for insert
- Insert mix
- Inserted issue
- If ad insert is active and the insert is not a title insert,
the AI number is also displayed
- Initial shipping date for insert mix
- Indicator: Third-party postal insert
Internal program fields:
- Inserted publication
- Inserted edition
- Publication date of inserted issue