Programme SAP RJVTJV64 - Copy Past Planning Trigger Period

Program RJVTJV64 (transaction JVA7) copies planning triggers into thepast. This is only possible for publications that are not yetproductive, i.e. for publications in legacy data transfer or duringparallel processing of the legacy system and IS-M/SD. (If you selectpublications that are already productive as a copy template, the theprogram terminates.)
Circulation planning in the past is possible under the same conditionsusing program RJVDISP2.

The following data is updated:
Planning triggers are created or modified in the past (JVTDSPTR).

Selection options

Selection of target entries (in past):
You can set the status "Repeat planning" or "To be deleted" and specifya lock date of your choice. You must also enter the time interval forthe target entries. The modification of a new status and the lock datealways applies to the whole of this interval. Any existing overlappingplanning triggers are modified accordingly or deleted (see examplebelow).
There must be delivery viability sets in the target period for theplanning triggers you want to create or modify.
If triggers have been assigned the above statuses by accident in thetarget interval, you can prevent circulation planning from taking placeby choosing a new target interval and lock date.

Selection of copy template:
You must specify selection criteria that allow the program to find acopy template. (You can limit selection to plants, editions, deliverytypes and periods.)

Further parameters:
You can select a parameter to choose a test run without databaseupdates.

You must select a copy template.
There must be delivery viability sets in the target period for theplanning triggers you want to create or modify.


Output structure:
Planning triggers that do not have delivery viability sets in thetarget period (not modified)
Planning triggers created in the target period
Planning triggers modified
Planning triggers deleted

Copy template: Pl.triggers from 1.1.1996 to 31.1.1996
Target interval: 10.1.1996 to 20.1.1996
New planning triggers: 10.1.1996 to 20.1.1996
Changed planning triggers: 1.1.1996 to 9.1.1996
21.1.1996 to 31.1.1996
Deleted planning triggers: 1.1.1996 to 31.1.1996