Programme SAP RJVSP001 - IS-M: Create Shipping Documents

Main program for creating shipping documents.
The program creates shipping documents for the selected shipping dateand plant according to the selection criteria you specify and storesthem in the SAP spool file or sends them directly to the printersspecified in the control tables, according to the settings for generalspool control / Customizing.
If the shipping documents are recorded in the SAP spool file, they aredivided up into spool datasets with the following keys for spool ordernames (3 sub-fields):
TSP01-RQ0NAME (= ITCPO-TDDATASET) containing the shipping date (6characters - DDMMYY)
TSP01-RQ1NAME (=ITCPO-TDSUFFIX1) containing the plant (4 characters)
TSP01-RQ2NAME (=ITCPO-TDSUFFIX2) containing the shipping document typegrouping

In addition to the shipping documents created (output to spool ordirectly to output devices or files), the program creates a log listcontaining information on the shipping documents created as well as aproblem list (error log).
The log list contains a line with information on the data contained inthe shipping documents for each 'shipping document unit'. Columns ofinformation that are not relevant to the shipping document type inquestion remain blank. For example, you cannot specify a publication fora customer delivery note, since a delivery note usually contains morethan one publication. The spool dataset number in which the shippingdocument is stored is listed for the shipping document. It is notpossible at present to list the from and to page numbers and number ofpages for technical reasons, but this is planned for a future release.
In addition, a status is displayed for each shipping document (moreprecisely, an error status for creation). This status is not 0 if anerror occurred during creation. The value of the status For a note onthe cause, please see the error log for the program.
The error log is sorted by the shipping document type in which the erroroccurred. A '*' indicates that the error has already occurred in a moregeneral context and can affect a number of shipping documents. The errortext should indicate the cause clearly.

Important note on the parameter 'Shipping document type grouping'
During shipping document creation, a sort routine is generated in aso-called subroutine pool for each (selected) shipping document typegrouping. The system allows a maximum of 36 of these generations withinone job step. This means that a maximum of 36 shipping document typegroupings can be processed within one shipping document type job step.

555412IS-M/SD: Carrier change notif., partial subscription changes
538603IS-M/SD Carrier change not., addition of additive trip
438469IS-M/SD: Carrier change notification, Note 436753
437223IS-M/SD Carrier change notification CONVT_NO_NUMBER
363299IS-M/SD Carrier change modfctn, CR + suspension
321359IS-M/SD error in carrier change notification