Programme SAP RJVSO_COMPLAINT_EXPORT - IS-M/SD: Create Export File for Complaints for Shipping Orders

Create Export File for Complaints for Shipping Orders

You can use this report to create a file containing data on complaintsfor shipping orders and store it locally on the presentation server.
This file can be made available to the publisher that is the sold-toparty in the shipping order. This provides the publisher with the datarequired, for example, to process credit memos.

If the sold-to publisher also uses IS-M/SD (Release >= 4.64), they canimport the data using report RJVSO_COMPLAINT_IMPORT, 'Read Import Fileof Complaints for Shipping Orders'.

You can restrict the complaints that are to be contained in the exportfile in the block Selection for Export File.
Specify the path under which the file is to be stored in the blockOutput Control. You can enter a logical or physical file name orpath. If you enter a logical file name, you must ensure that therequired settings have been made in transaction FILE.
You must also specify here whether the individual complaint days are tobe displayed in the file. If you choose this option, one record iscreated for each complaint day, whereas otherwise a record is createdfor each complaint and the quantities (complaint quantity, subsequentdelivery quantity and credit memo quantity) are added together.
Finally, you must specify whether or not the program is to be executedin a test run. In this case, an export file is not created.

The report outputs a list of the data loaded into the export file.Please note that the functions of the ABAP List Viewer are availablefor this list; for example, you can export the list in a variety offormats. However, a list exported in this way cannot be imported byreport RJVSO_COMPLAINT_IMPORT.