Programme SAP RJVSIRHMNG - Quantity comparison SD delivery<->AM order for ad insert TMC

Program RJVSIRHMNG enables you to make a quantity comparison of M/SDdelivery quantities and M/AM order quantities for ad insert totalmarket coverage (TMC).

Why is a quantity comparison necessary?
TMC quantity from M/AM perspective:
TMC quantities are maintained in the ad insert order (M/AM). Thequantities are maintained in the order schedule line for each basicbooking unit.
TMC quantity from M/SD perspective:
Deliveries are generated by the function 'Generate deliveries for adinsert TMC'. The quantities for these deliveries are calculated foreach carrier route as the difference between the planned circulationfor ad pre-prints and the delivery quantity (of the carrying issue) inthis carrier route.
The TMC quantities for ad inserts (for each carrying issue) normallydiffer from an M/AM and an M/SD perspective. These differences do notnormally cause problems if the master data in this area (plannedcirculation for booking units and carrier routes) is maintained withcare.
If there is a relatively large difference between the M/SD and M/AM TMCquantities in certain circumstances, you can list and correct thesedifferences.

Notes on quantity comparison
If the quantities differ greatly due to incorrect order quantities, youmust delete the TMC deliveries and then correct the order quantities.
Program RJVSIRHMNG adjusts the ad insert TMC quantities in M/SD and theM/AM order quantities remain unchanged. (If TMC deliveries have beengenerated, no further changes can be made to the quantities in the M/AMorder.)
Concrete procedure for quantity comparison:

  • Program RJVSIRHMNG lists order and delivery quantities for each ad
  • insert and plant.
    • Click once (hotspot) to access delivery processing (the program lists
    • all deliveries of the selected ad insert for processing).
      • You can change the delivery quantities for TMC deliveries in delivery
      • processing.

        The following data is updated:
        Program RJVSIRHMNG creates a list comparing M/SD delivery quantitiesand M/AM order quantities (for each ad insert and plant) for display orprocessing.
        The M/SD delivery quantities and M/AM order quantities for insertionare updated as a worklist for the quantity comparison (JVTSIRHMNG) whenyou execute the function Generate deliveries for adinsert TMC.
        If the ad insert TMC quantities are changed in delivery processing, theTMC quantities are updated accordingly in the worklist for the quantitycomparison.

        Selection options
        You must specify a home delivery date for the carrying issues. This isthe date on which the carrying issues are delivered, and thus the dateon which TMC takes place. The home delivery date for TMC deliveries isthe same as the publication date for the delivery; the home deliverydate is not necessarily the publication date of the ad insert.
        Selection can be restricted to certain ad inserts and plants.
        You can restrict selection of the worklist to ad inserts whose orderquantity exceeds or undershoots the delivery quantity by aminimum amount (in percent).
        Further parameters allow you to control whether the worklist is createdfor display or for processing.


        The following data must be maintained:
        There must be deliveries in the system for ad insert TMC.

        The following types of processing cannot be performed parallel to thequantity comparison:

        • All functions that edit selected ad inserts

        • All functions that edit deliveries

        • (Regenerative planning, netchange, generation of issue mixes,generation of deliveries for ad inserts, delivery processing)
          • LIS update for deliveries
          • Output

            Output structure
            The program first creates a list of M/SD delivery quantities and M/AMorder quantities for each ad insert and plant.

            Output fields

            • Ad insert number

            • Publication date of carrying issue

            • (This date is the same as the home delivery date but is not necessarilythe publication date of the ad insert)
              • Plant

              • M/SD delivery quantity

              • M/AM order quantity

              • Percentage difference between delivery quantity and order quantity

              • (The order quantity is valuated as the base value (100%) and theselected percentage and type of difference are displayed in the listheader.)