Programme SAP RJVSIBLMNG - Quantity Comparison SD Delivery<->AM Order for AI Inserts

Program RJVSIBLMNG enables you to compare M/SD delivery quantities andM/AM order quantities for ad insert insertions.

Why is a quantity comparison necessary?
Insert quantity from M/AM perspective:
Insert quantities are maintained in the ad insert order (M/AM). Thequantities are maintained in the order schedule line for each basicbooking unit.
Insert quantity from M/SD perspective:
Issue mixes are generated and added to the deliveries when you performthe function 'Generate issue mixes'. This means the insert quantity forthe ad inserts in the issue mixes is the same as the delivery quantityin the delivery (or rather with the total for all deliveries that havethe ad insert in their mix).
The insert quantities for ad insertion (for each carrying issue)usually differ from a M/AM and an M/SD perspective. These differencesdo not normally cause problems if the master data in this area (plannedcirculation quantities for booking units and carrier routes) has beenmaintained with care.
If the insert quantities in M/SD and M/AM differ greatly in certaincircumstances, you can list these differences and edit them.

Performing a quantity comparison
If the quantities differ greatly due to incorrect order quantities, youmust delete the mixes and then correct the order quantities.
Program RJVSIBLMNG modifies the insert quantities of ad inserts inM/SD; the order quantities in M/AM remain unchanged. (If issue mixesare displayed, the quantities in the M/AM order cannot be changed.)
The M/SD quantity comparison can be performed in two ways:

  • If the insert quantity of an ad insert in M/SD (delivery quantity) is
  • greater than in the M/AM order, the insert quantity can be reduced byremoving the ad insert from certain deliveries. You can do this bycreating an issue mix (that does not contain the ad insert) manuallyand using it as a substitute for the previous one.
    • If the insert quantity of an ad insert in M/SD (delivery quantity) is
    • smaller than that in the M/AM order, it is generally not possible tocorrect the insert quantity in M/SD since delivery quantities cannot ofcourse be increased. It would theoretically be possible to replace anissue mix without an ad insert with one that contains the ad insert incertain carrier routes in manual delivery editing.
      Concrete procedure for quantity comparison:
      • Program RJVSIBLMNG lists the order and delivery quantities for each ad
      • insert and plant for selected carrying issues.
        • You can click once (hotspot) to access delivery processing (all
        • deliveries of the selected carrying issue are displayed for editing).
          • Issue mixes in deliveries can be changed in delivery processing. You
          • will usually need to create suitable manual issue mixes in a separatestep first.

            Data updated
            Program RJVSIBLMNG lists a quantity comparison of M/SD deliveryquantities and M/AM order quantities (per ad insert and plant) fordisplay or editing.
            The M/SD delivery quantities and M/AM order quantities for insertionare updated as a worklist for quantity comparison (JVTSIBLMNG) when youexecute the function Generate issue mixes.
            If the AI insert quantities are changed (by changing issue mixes in thedeliveries of the carrying issue), the insert quantities in theworklist for the quantity comparison are updated accordingly.
            Please note the following regarding the M/SD insert quantity:
            The insert quantities (per ad insert and plant) are updated in theworklist when you execute the function 'Generate issue mixes'. Thisfunction is normally executed before the closing date for shipping. Theorders on hand in M/SD normally change (to a small extent) when theworklist is updated. These later changes to the M/SD orders on hand donot affect the delivery quantity in the worklist. In this way, thequantity comparison represents a balance which may or may not beprecise but which covers a sufficient scope to identify and correctrelatively large differences in quantity.
            If major changes take place after the issue mixes have been generatedin the M/SD orders on hand, you can execute the quantity comparisonusing the function 'Update worklist'. These order changes aftergeneration are then included in the delivery quantities in theworklist.

            Selection options
            You can select carrying issues by publication date, publication,edition and plant.
            (Insert quantities are always plant-specific since booking units aredefined for specific plants.)
            You have three options when selecting the worklist:
            Select issues from the existing worklist
            Selection can be restricted to order quantities that exceed orundershoot the delivery quantity by a minimumamount (in percent).
            Update the worklist first and then select issues from the updatedworklist.
            Selection can be restricted to order quantities that exceed orundershoot the delivery quantity by a minimum amount (in percent).
            Select only issues that have deliveries without mixes - it is stillpossible to assign an issue mix manually to these deliveries.
            This selection option only has a result in exceptional circumstances:normally, no deliveries are selected.
            Further information on these exceptions
            Further parameters allow you to control whether the worklist is createdfor display purposes or for editing.


            The following data must be maintained:
            Issue mixes must exist for the selected carrying issues.

            The following types of processing cannot be performed parallel to thequantity comparison:

            • All functions that edit selected issues

            • (Individual and collective processing, automatic generation andnumbering)
              • All functions that edit deliveries

              • (Regenerative planning, netchange, generation of issue mixes,generation of deliveries for ad inserts, delivery processing)
                • LIS update for deliveries
                • Output

                  Structure of output
                  The program first displays a list of M/SD delivery quantities and M/AMorder quantities for each ad insert and plant.

                  Output fields

                  • Ad insert number

                  • Publication of carrying issue

                  • Edition of carrying issue

                  • Publication date of carrying issue

                  • Plant

                  • M/SD delivery quantity

                  • M/AM order quantity

                  • Percentage difference between delivery quantity and order quantity

                  • (The order quantity is valuated as the base value (100%) and theselected percentage and type of difference are displayed in the listheader.)