Programme SAP RJVSDPRODCOMP - Edit Components for Each Media Product

Edit Components

This transaction allows you to define the components of media productsand media issues and to specify a lead date for shipping and apackaging characteristic for each component.


You can select a media family or a media product when maintaining thecomponents of media products. When maintaining components of mediaissues, you can specify a media issue or a media product and aninterval of media issues. The media products and media issues thenselected are displayed in a structure.

If you generate components of media issues from the transaction forediting components, the system creates a generation log.

You can add, delete and change components in the transaction. All thefunctions can be accessed from the context menu (right mouse button).Double click on the assignments to edit them and move components byDrag&Drop.
You can regenerate the components of the media issues via the contextmenu. When editing components of media issues, the components aregenerated directly from the accompanying definition of the componentsof media products. When processing the components of media products, adialog is displayed at first, where you can restrict the media issuesor specify whether or not existing components are to be overwritten fora certain period.