Programme SAP RJVSDP - IS-M/SD: Edit Packaging Characteristics of Media Issues

Edit Packaging Groups of Media Issues

This program allows you to maintain packaginggroups of media issues with lower level components. You can accessthe maintenance function for the packaging rule in each case.

In mix maintenance and packaging, media issue components are entered orgenerated from media product components. You can preassign packaginggroups at this point. Specifications on packaging groups and packagingrules for media issues are used in automatic packaging.

Media issues, components and packaging groups must be defined.

You must specify a media issue. The shipping point and delivery typemust also be specified if you want to display and maintain packagingrules.

The data is displayed in a tree structure in the following order:

  • Media issue

  • Packaging group

  • Component

  • The system indicates the status and existence of packaging rules with astatus light.

    You can add further folders with packaging groups or a folder 'WithoutPackaging Group' via the context menu (right mouse click). You can movecomponents to packaging groups via Drag&Drop.
    You must maintain packaging rules for all components that do not have apackaging group, as well as for all packaging groups. You can accessmaintenance of the packaging rule by double clicking on it or via thecontext menu.