Programme SAP RJVPRUF1 - IS-M/SD: Check Run for Shipping Date After Bundling

This report checks:
1) Based on the deliveries (postal shipping and/or other deliverytypes)
- General errors from distribution
- Status of planning trigger <> '10' (= planning successful)
- Existence of a valid bundling rule
- Whether or not technical closing date is maintained
- Whether or not shipping preparation was performed
- Whether issue weights (planned or actual) are maintained
2) Based on the unloading viability sets
Whether an unloading point is supplied with the same edition byseveral truck routes
3) Based on the delivery viability sets
Whether a delivery round-business partner assignment is maintained
If you run the report in dialog, you can double click on a row (forgeneral errors from distribution) to display further information in adialog box.
The data displayed can be a list of orders affected or truck routes andunloading points that could have been available for shipping if theywere not relevant for shipping on the current date for certain reasons.
These would include the following, for example:
- No valid truck route-edition assignment found
- No valid unloading point sequence found
- No truck routes found with the appropriate delivery round
- The truck route departure time collides with the availability time ofthe edition
- No valid shipping schedule found with a corresponding unloading point
- No valid shipping schedule variant found
Combinations of the above reasons are possible and can only bedetermined in sequence in this case, i.e. once an error is corrected,another error can occur.
You must then make a further correction and perform another check run,because the data is interdependent.