Programme SAP RJVNCNL0 - Overview of Subsequent Deliveries (Planning for Packed Deliveries)

This program analyzes the deliveries for one or more plants on ashipping date to determine subsequent deliveries.

Subsequent deliveries should not take place in normal operations. Theirexistence indicates that the flow of the shipping programs containederrors.
Please ensure that the shipping programs are run in the correct order.
e.g. if bundling takes place before netchange, order changes may bemade for deliveries for which packing is already completed.
These order changes are saved in subsequent deliveries. Subsequentdeliveries can no longer be recorded by the shipping programs for thatdate. You may need to make manual corrections to the affected orders.

If subsequent deliveries exist that match the selection criteria, theseare logged. The following information is displayed for each subsequentdelivery:
Delivery number
Subsequent delivery number
Order number
Item number
Schedule line number