Programme SAP RJVLFEKO - IS-M/SD: Enter Sales Organization for (Home) Delivery


Program RJVLFEKO should never be run in normal operations.

If the delivery data for home deliveries does not contain a purchasingorganization due to incomplete customizing settings, this program canbe used (after the customizing settings have been corrected) to enterthe purchasing organization in these deliveries.
The purchasing organization in the delivery is not maintained if nopurchasing organization is maintained for the sales area for thedelivery in the customizing settings. This must be added to thecustomizing settings first before the program can update thedeliveries.

Data updated
The program adds the purchasing organization to deliveries (JVTLFNG)where possible (i.e. if the customizing settings have been corrected).The program only maintains deliveries where the following conditionsapply:

  • The logistical delivery type must be a delivery type for home delivery
  • (deliveries for ad pre-print delta coverage and ad pre-printdistribution are always taken into account here)
    • The shipping date must be in the selected period

    • The purchasing organization must be blank
    • Selection options
      Deliveries can be restricted to one period.
      You can use a parameter to have the program executed as a test run(without database updates).

      The program first lists the deliveries for which a purchasingorganization could be entered and then those where this was notpossible (where customizing entries are still missing).

      Fields output

      • Delivery number

      • Subsequent delivery number

      • Shipping date

      • Actual publication

      • Logistical delivery type

      • Sales organization

      • Distribution channel

      • Division for actual publication in delivery

      • Purchasing organization for delivery